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  • “For a New Earth: Welche Zukunft wollen wir für unsere Landschaften?” Conference, “Landschaft - Unsere Heimat in der Krise,” organized by Uwe Voigt, University of Augsburg, Bad Staffelstein, Germany, June 3, 2024 (invited talk, online).

  • “’Is nature more than the social?’ Responding with Adorno’s Aesthetics,” Conference, “Environment in Crisis – Crisis in Aesthetics,” organized by the Working Group in Environmental Aesthetics Conference 2024, Schloss Banz, Germany, May 31, 2024 (invited talk, online).

  • “Public Life and the Systematic Role of the State in Schelling’s Identity Philosophy,” North American Schelling Society’s Eighth Conference: “Controversial Schelling,” Gonzaga University, Spokane, WA, May 24, 2024.

  • “F.W.J. Schelling’s Non-dialectical Approach to Personhood and Virtue Ethics,” American Philosophical Association Central Division Meeting (session on Ethics and Dialectics, organized by SGIR), New Orleans, LA, USA, February 21, 2024 (invited talk).

  • “Schelling’s Presentation of the State in the 1804 Würzburger System,” Conference "Schelling, System der gesammten Philosophie und der Naturphilosophie insbesondere,“ 1804. Freiburg, Germany, October 12-14, 2023 (invited talk).

  •  “The Romantic Roots of Schelling’s Political Philosophy,” German Studies Association’s Forty-Seventh Annual Conference, Session on “Romantic Realisms,” McGill, Montréal, October 5-8, 2023.

  • “Schelling's criticism of Jacobi's thesis that naturalism must be a fatalism,” Conference: “Streit um die Freiheit: Der Disput zwischen Jacobi und Schelling 1811-12 , ” Forschungszentrum für Klassische Deutsche Philosophie / Hegel-Archiv Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Bochum, Germany, July 7, 2023 (invited talk).


  • “Reconstructing Schelling’s Political Philosophy from Beginning to End,” Conference: “Social agency, political power, and legal boundaries in Classical German Philosophy,” Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, Oct. 1, 2022 (invited talk).

  • “Personhood beyond the law: transcending the state, natural hierarchy, and the categorical imperative in Schelling’s political philosophy,” Colloquium talk organized by the Centre de Philosophie du Droit, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium, June 22, 2022 (invited talk, online).

  • “Envisioning a Different Future: Schelling and the Frankfurt School,” North American Schelling Society Seventh Annual Conference: “Philosophies of Life,” York University and University of Toronto, Toronto, Canada May 26, 2022.

  • “The Shifting Concept of the State in Schelling’s Political Philosophy,” XI. Freiburg Graduate Symposium: “Die Klassische deutsche Philosophie und ihre Folgen,” Feb. 26, 2022 (online).

  • “The Role of the State in Schelling’s Political Philosophy,” Canadian Society for Continental Philosophy Conference, Session on “The Politics of German Idealism,” St. John’s, Canada, October 15, 2021.

  • “Legitimate Grievances, Flawed Response: Analyzing Populism Through Adorno,” Memorial University Philosophy Fall Colloquium (online), January 26, 2021.

  • “„Wenn man einen vollkommenen Staat in dieser Welt will, so ist das Ende (apokalyptische) Schwärmerei“: Schelling's Transition Away from the Perfect State in 1804-1809,” VIII. Freiburger Graduiertensymposium: “Die Klassische deutsche Philosophie und ihre Folgen” (online), July 25, 2020.

  • “The Outside of Politics: Could Adorno and Schelling Help Us to Better Understand Populism?,” Memorial University Philosophy Fall Colloquium, St. John's, Canada, October 22, 2019.

  • “Schelling's Critique of the University in an Ecological Context,” Comenius, Klafki und wir: Auf der Suche nach Bildung für das Anthropozän, University of Augsburg, Germany, September 21, 2019.


  • “Re-Reading Schelling Through Adorno’s Materialist Critique of Hegel’s Political Philosophy,” VI. Freiburger Graduiertensymposium: Die klassische deutsche Philosophie und ihre Folgen, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany, July 26, 2019.

  • “Schelling on Madness and Spinozism in the Third Draft of the Ages of the World,” International Workshop on Schelling’s Ages of the World, Freiburg Institute for Advanced Studies, June 28, 2019.

  • “Is Schelling’s Concept of Second Nature in the System of Transcendental Idealism Politically Relevant?,” DAAD International Workshop: Life and Nature in Classical German Philosophy, Ruhr-University Bochum, May 23, 2019.

  • “Schelling’s Notion of Second Nature,” Philosophical Colloquium of Prof. Lore Hühn, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg (Philosophisches Seminar), Germany, May 15, 2019.

  • “A Political Reading of Schelling's Metaphysics of Contingency and his Late Critique of Hegel,” Meeting of the Metaphysical Society of America, Seattle University, U.S.A., March 31, 2019.

  • “The Metaphysics of Birth in Schelling's Freedom Essay," Public Discussion of Schelling's Freedom Essay with Dr. Owen Ware's PHL2048 class, co-presented on behalf of the North American Schelling Society, University of Toronto, Canada, March 20, 2019.

  • “To Escape in Immanence or Transcendence?: Schelling and Adorno on the Philosophy of History,” Memorial University Philosophy Fall Colloquium, St. John's, Canada, November 22, 2018.

  • “The Late Schelling’s Metaphysics as the Foundation of Adorno and Horkheimer’s Philosophy of History,” Schelling and the Philosophies of the Earth, Sixth Annual Meeting of the North American Schelling Society, University of HawaiÊ»i at Hilo, U.S.A., September 6, 2017.

  • “Schelling und Adornos Betrachtungen zur Geschichtsphilosophie,” Research Colloquium, Institute for Classical German Philosophy / Hegel Archive, Bochum, Germany, July 17, 2018.

  • “Schelling and Adorno: Considerations on the Philosophy of History,” IV. Freiburger Graduiertensymposium: Die Klassische deutsche Philosophie und ihre Folgen, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Germany, June 22, 2018.

  • “Nikolai Chernyshevsky and Ernst Bloch’s Visions of Utopia: Freedom and the Transformation of Material Conditions,” Idealist Philosophies of History, Dominican University College, Ottawa, Canada, April 19, 2018.

  • “The Implications of Schelling’s Metaphysics of Contingency for Phenomenology,” The 13th Annual Meeting of The Comparative & Continental Philosophy Circle, Bath, UK, April 7, 2018.

  • “Conceiving of a Collective Future After Muskrat Falls,” Memorial University Aldrich Conference, Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada, March 22, 2018.

  • “Grounding Foucault’s Utopic Body in Merleau-Ponty,” Memorial University Philosophy Graduate Conference: Bodies, Politics and the Earth, Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada, March 10, 2018.

  • “Walter Benjamin’s Messianism as a Critique of Social Progress,” Memorial University Philosophy Winter Colloquium, Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada, February 1, 2018.

  • “Walter Benjamin’s Messianism,” Philosophical Colloquium of Prof. Dieter Sturma, Institute for Science and Ethics (IWE), University of Bonn, Bonn, Germany, July 20, 2017.

  • “‘The Humanity that is Striving to be Born’: Horkheimer’s Messianism and its Reception,” Ways Out of History: The Frankfurt School and Religion, Institute for Science and Ethics, Bonn, Germany, July 13, 2017.

  • “The Contingency of Being as the Condition of Phenomenological Destruction in Schelling,” Politics and the Phenomenological Tradition, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Leuven, Belgium, June 6, 2017.

  • “The Crucified Christ as the Mediator of Collective Suffering: Horkheimer and Moltmann,” Annual Meeting of the Canadian Society of Christian Philosophers, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, May 29, 2017.

  • “The Future of Secular Public Space in Canada,” Canadian Society for the Study of Practical Ethics Conference, Ryerson University, Toronto, Canada, May 29, 2017.

  • “Why should I act against the ecological crisis?,” For A New Earth Meeting, Clarke’s Beach, NL, Canada, March 5, 2017.

  • “Herder's Critical Revision of Spinoza's Monism and its Reception by the Young Schelling,” Schelling: Crisis and Critique, North American Schelling Society fifth Annual Conference, National Autonomous University of Mexico, Mexico City, Mexico, February 23, 2017.

  • “Moltmann and Horkheimer on God and Suffering,” The Idea of God, Queen’s College, Faculty of Theology, St. John’s, Canada, November 24, 2016

  • “The Role of the Aesthetic in Moral Education: Schiller, Plato and Read,” Word in Education: Moral Upbringing through Arts and Literature, IVth International Congress, Jesuit University Ignatianum, Krakow Poland, October 27, 2016.

  • “The Triads of Schelling and Deleuze,” Society for Phenomenology and Existential Philosophy, Utah Valley University at Hilton Salt Lake City Center, Utah, October 20, 2016.

  • “Community without a Singular Ontology and Authority?: Challenging F.W.J. Schelling’s view of South Americans with Viveiros de Castro,” Philosophies européennes et décolonisation de la pensée, Université Toulouse II, France, August 26, 2016.

  • “Schiller and Contemporary Moral Education,” International Summer School in Philosophy and Education, Jesuit University Ignatianum, Krakow, Poland, May 27, 2016.

  • “Horkheimer's Reading of Schelling on the Metaphysics of Nature and Eschatology,” Memorial University Graduate Conference in Philosophy: Metaphysics Today, Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada, April 23, 2016.​

  • “Schelling and Horkheimer on Nature, Reason and Eschatology,” Mind and Nature, 11th Annual De Philosophia Conference, University of Ottawa, Canada, April 11, 2016.

  • “Disenchantment, Dominance and the Poor: Interpreting the Environmental Crisis through Laudato si’ and Critical Theory,” Nature and Ethical Thought: Reflections on Laudato Si, Dominican University College, Ottawa, Canada, March 7, 2016.

  • "From Indifference to the Ungrund and Beyond: The Triads of Schelling and Deleuze,” Memorial University Philosophy Winter Colloquium, Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada, January 28, 2016.

  • “Two notions of Secular Public Space: Hegel and the Canadian Case,” Questioning the Secular, Albert-Ludwigs-Universität Freiburg, Theologische Fakultät, Freiburg, Germany, June 17, 2015.

  • “Faith and the ‘Ecstasis’ of Reason: Kant’s Role in Schelling’s Positive Philosophy,” Why Faith? Kantian Explorations, Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada, May 21, 2015.

  • “Transgressing Representation and Reason: Schelling, Deleuze and Transcendental Empiricism,” Unconditional Thinking, 10th Annual De Philosophia Conference, University of Ottawa, Canada, April 11, 2015.

  • “The Activity of Bodying Forth: The Indiscernible Limits of Heidegger’s and Foucault’s ‘Lived- Bodies,”’ Workshop: La philosophie du corps, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, February 11, 2015.

  • “L’être imprépensable du dernier Schelling dans le contexte de sa critique de Hegel,” Journées d’hommage à Laszlo Tengelyi —  Tagung Laszlo Tengelyi zu Ehren, Charles University Prague, Czech Republic, February  10, 2015.

  • “An Introduction to the Early Schelling and his Naturphilosophie,” Public Lecture, Department of German and Russian, Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada,
    February 6,  2015.

  • “Beyond Man, yet towards the Body: Heidegger, Foucault and Anti-Humanism," Atlantic Region Philosophers’ Association Annual Meeting, Memorial University, St. John’s Canada, October 24-25, 2014.

  • “Le corps, la perception et l’ontologie : Merleau-Ponty, médiateur entre le dernier Heidegger et le premier Foucault,” École d‘été franco-allemande : La vie dans l’homme ou l’homme dans la vie? Généalogies franco-allemandes entre anthropologie et anti-humanisime, École normale supérieure, Paris, France, July 23, 2014.

  • “Deleuze’s Metaphysical Return to Schelling through the Concept of Pre-personal Life,” 7th International Deleuze Studies Conference, Istanbul Technical University, School of Architecture, Istanbul, Turkey, July 14, 2014.

  • “The Irreversible and Unpredictable: Schelling’s Dynamic Understanding of Nature and Open Systems,” A Conception of Nature for the 21st Century?, WissenschaftsZentrum Umwelt and the Lehrstuhl für Philosophie, University of Augsburg, Germany, June  23, 2014.

  • “From Absolute-I to the Thinking Absolute: Herder’s Subjectivizing of Spinoza’s Substance in the Early Schelling,” Memorial University Philosophy Graduate Conference: Nature, Freedom, and Reason, Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada, June 6, 2014.

  • “Shaun Gallagher’s Pattern Theory of the Self and Its Problems,” Philosophers’ Rally  2014, Radbound University Nijmegen, Netherlands, April 24, 2014.

  • “Dieu ne joue pas aux dés : Herder et Einstein au sujet de l’ immanence,” Workshop, L’immanence et sa logique : Die Immanenz  und ihre Logik, Universidade  de Coimbra, Coimbra, Portugal, Feburary 20, 2014.

  • “Merleau-Ponty, Foucault, Deleuze: Thinking the Lived, Utopic Body (without Organs),” Inside. Outside. Other. The body in the work of Gilles Deleuze and Michel Foucault, Kunstakademie Münster, Germany, November 30, 2013.

  • “The Communication of Haecceities: The Transcendental Fields of Deleuze, Duns Scotus and Simondon.” Deleuzean Metaphysics Workshop 2013: Immanence and Transcendence in Deleuzean Metaphysics, Ghent University, Ghent, Belgium, April 12, 2013.

  • “Le féminisme en France face au pouvoir coloniale : Une analyse foucaldienne,” Workshop: Au sujet du feminisme, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, February 15, 2013.

  • “Le mouvement de la métaphysique : Peut-on parler d’une ontologie chez Deleuze ?,” Workshop : MétaphysiqueS, École Normale Supérieure, Paris, France, February 11, 2013.

  • “The Relationship between Madness and Artistic Creation: Ontological Transfigurations in the Philosophies of F. W. J. Schelling and Gilles Deleuze,” Memorial University Philosophy Society's Student Colloquium, Memorial University, St. John’s, Canada, January 14, 2011.

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